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What is Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also known as hormone therapy or testosterone replacement therapy, involves administering medications containing hormones like testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone to treat hormonal imbalances. It can effectively alleviate uncomfortable symptoms associated with menopause in women, andropause ("male menopause") in men, and other conditions causing hormone deficiencies.

HRT helps restore optimal levels of key hormones, leading to widespread health improvements. It is an established medical treatment overseen by specialist physicians. When administered properly, hormone replacement therapy is safe, and side effects are minimal. However, an experienced hormonal health specialist should always oversee treatment.

Why Hormone Levels Decline

Hormone concentrations naturally decline with age, accelerated by chronic stress and unhealthy lifestyles. Key reasons for hormonal imbalance include:

  • Aging: Testosterone levels decrease 1-2% annually after age 30. Menopause causes a sharp drop in estrogen.
  • Poor diet: Excess sugar, alcohol, and unhealthy fats affect hormones.
  • Lack of exercise: Sedentary lifestyles contribute to lower testosterone.
  • Obesity: Excess fat alters the regulation of hormones like estrogen.
  • Chronic stress: Elevated cortisol suppresses testosterone.
  • Toxins: Chemicals found in plastics and cosmetics disrupt the endocrine system.

While some hormone fluctuation is normal, a specialist can determine when medical intervention is warranted through comprehensive lab testing.

Our Services

Restore your hormones, reclaim your health and vitality.

Signs and Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

Depending on the hormones affected, deficiency can cause diverse symptoms including:

In men:

  • Low libido, sexual dysfunction
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Weight gain, body fat increase
  • Fatigue, low energy
  • Depression, mood instability
  • Poor concentration and memory

In women:

  • Hot flashes, night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood swings, irritability
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Bladder control issues

Other common symptoms:

  • Reduced bone density
  • Thinning skin and hair
  • Reduced immunity
  • Higher cholesterol
  • Infertility issues

The wide range of distressing effects demonstrates why restoring hormones should be a priority. Even mild imbalances can significantly reduce one's sense of wellbeing and zest for life when left untreated.

Thankfully, help is available. A knowledgeable holistic hormone specialist can accurately evaluate lab tests and create customized treatment plans involving bioidentical hormones.

Diagnosing Hormonal Imbalances

The first step is diagnostic testing overseen by a practitioner specializing in hormones, such as one of the hormone imbalance doctors at Rejuvenate Clinic.

They will evaluate symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle factors. However, comprehensive lab testing is essential for confirming imbalances.

Common lab tests check levels of key hormones:

  • Testosterone - vital for men's health.
  • Estrogen - different forms play roles in women's health.
  • Progesterone - supports pregnancy, regulates periods.
  • DHEA - beneficial for energy, immunity, inflammation.
  • Thyroid hormones T3 and T4 - regulate metabolism.

Interpreting the complex interactions between hormones requires specialized expertise. Rejuvenate Clinic' holistic hormone specialists understand optimal levels throughout life's phases.

Treatment is personalized based on the unique needs of each patient.

Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Correcting deficiencies through HRT offers wide-ranging physical and mental health benefits:

Physical Benefits

  • Increased muscle mass and strength
  • Reduced body fat
  • Stronger bones and joints
  • Improved heart health
  • Better bladder control
  • Healthier cholesterol levels

Mental Health Benefits

  • Balanced mood - reduced anxiety, irritability
  • Heightened motivation and drive
  • Improved memory and concentration
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Better sleep quality
  • Healthy libido and sexual function

HRT also alleviates uncomfortable symptoms making day-to-day life difficult, like hot flashes, fatigue, vaginal dryness, and erectile dysfunction.

Patients report feeling years younger, with restored vibrancy and improved outlooks on life. Hormone optimization is about helping both men and women thrive as they age.

Restore your hormones, restore your health today.

Hormone Replacement Methods and Protocols

If testing confirms hormone deficiencies, the knowledgeable hormone therapy doctors at Rejuvenate Clinic will explain options for treatment.

While approaches differ based on individual needs, hormone therapy typically involves taking bioidentical hormones derived from plant sources and genetically engineered in a lab to match human hormones. This allows precision dosing to reach optimal levels.

Some of the most common methods of hormone delivery include:


Delivery Method Description
Injections Testosterone cypionate injected every 7-14 days
Transdermal gels Absorbed through the skin
Patches Adhesive patches worn on the body
Pellets Long-lasting pellets inserted under the skin every ~6 months

Estrogen / Progesterone

Delivery Method Description
Oral tablets Taken by mouth
Patches Adhesive patches worn on the body
Vaginal creams, suppositories, or rings Applied or inserted vaginally

Protocols for getting started on HRT through Rejuvenate Clinic typically involve:

  1. Comprehensive lab testing and medical evaluation
  2. Reviewing results and treatment options with a specialist
  3. Agreeing on a customized treatment plan
  4. Starting hormone therapy
  5. Follow-up testing to monitor and adjust dosing

Most patients notice significant improvements around 3 months into treatment as optimal hormonal balance is restored.

Lifestyle and Diet Recommendations

While hormone medications treat the root hormonal imbalance, patients can boost their effectiveness through supportive lifestyle measures like:

  • Healthy nutrition - Emphasizing produce, lean meats, omega-3s while limiting sugar, alcohol, and refined grains.
  • Regular exercise - Mix of strength training and cardio for a minimum of 30 minutes daily. Helps regulate hormones and offsets age-related loss.
  • Stress management - Chronic stress raises cortisol, which inhibits testosterone. Yoga, meditation, and social connection help counter stress.
  • High-quality sleep - Prioritizing 7-9 hours nightly supports optimal hormonal function.
  • Healthy body weight - Excess body fat messes with hormones like estrogen.

A healthy lifestyle enhances hormone therapy effectiveness for more complete restoration. Patients feel the best version of themselves when all aspects of health align.

Why Choose Rejuvenate Clinic for Treatment

Rejuvenate Clinic operates a top-rated hormone clinic helping both men and women regain peak vitality through science-based protocols overseen by expert hormone specialists.

Benefits of being treated by one of the highly qualified hormonal imbalance doctors at Rejuvenate Clinic include:

  • Nearly 20 years specializing in men's and women's health and hormone therapy
  • Utilizing advanced testing for precision diagnostics
  • Customizing treatment to each patient's needs
  • Using only the highest quality bioidentical hormones
  • Ongoing patient education and lifestyle support
  • Not utilizing one-size-fits-all approaches
  • Accepting insurance to lower out-of-pocket costs
  • Offering convenient telehealth consultations

Rejuvenate Clinic has supported over 25,000 individuals in improving their vitality through expert hormonal care.

Timely treatment prevents long-term health consequences from hormonal decline, safeguarding long-term wellbeing. The clinic aims to make treatment accessible, clinically effective, and supportive for optimal patient outcomes.

Myths and Facts About Hormone Replacement Therapy

Many misconceptions persist about hormone therapy. But what does scientific research actually reveal?

Myth Fact
HRT increases heart disease risk When started before age 60, HRT may protect heart health
HRT causes cancer No evidence for increased cancer risk, may protect against colorectal cancer
Testosterone therapy causes aggression No evidence this occurs when maintaining normal levels
The risks outweigh the benefits For most patients, benefits significantly outweigh potential side effects

Multiple research reviews confirm hormone therapy is safer than previously believed when properly administered under medical supervision.

Innovations in Testosterone Delivery Methods

Exciting innovations in testosterone treatment are making it more convenient and personalized. Beyond injections and gels, options now include:

  • Oral testosterone capsules - More consistent absorption
  • Buccal testosterone tablets - Dissolve between gums and cheeks
  • Axillary testosterone solution - Roll-on solution applied under arms
  • Pellet implants - Release steady hormones for ~6 months
  • Wearable patches - Programmed to deliver precise daily doses

Oral and buccal options overcome potential skin irritation issues with topicals. Pellet implants and extended-release patches reduce the frequency of administration.

Cutting-edge delivery methods lead to steady hormone levels for better outcomes. Rejuvenate Clinic stays current on the latest technology to give patients excellent treatment.


Restoring your body's delicate hormonal balance through replacement therapy can profoundly improve wellness while alleviating distressing deficiency symptoms. Rejuvenate Clinic's caring medical team offers cutting-edge testing and treatments tailored to your unique needs. They empower patients to reclaim the vitality and zest for life they deserve. Contact Rejuvenate Clinic today to learn how they can help you achieve optimal hormonal health.

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